Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

OSTA President

Leslie Polson

Leslie believes that all students should have a good experience with their substitute teachers and is always looking for ways to become a better teacher.

OSTA Vice President

Jon Deshler

Jon, a musician, brings passion and the love of music to the classroom. He specializes in marking and communications.

OSTA Secretary

Sarah Kennedy

An Active member of the Beaverton School District Union, OSTA creates bonds throught the State of Oregon

OSTA Treasurer & Gov Affairs Chairperson

Debbie Fery

Fighting for what is right. Debbie believes that every student needs to be treated with dignity. Debbie can turn any hostile class into friends. She can reach the hardest to handle student and make a friend.

Chess anyone?

Committee Positions 


Substitute Teacher of the Year CHAIR PERSON

Sally Sue Cellers


TSPC - Evelin Siblen


Phyllis Kirkwood

Founding President and Lifetime Member

After ten years of full-time teaching, Phyllis Kirkwood was an elementary substitute teacher in Beaverton for 35 years.  She especially enjoyed working with students who needed a little extra help.

She also enjoyed teaching music classes and staging the school musical play, in the absence of the music teacher.  Phyllis was the Founding President of OSTA in 1975 and lobbied the Legislature, PERS, and TSPC on behalf of substitute teachers throughout the years.  She often wrote rationale and newsletters. Though retired, she still enjoys being involved and believes there are no better friends than those who have worked together to improve their profession.

Want to work with us?